#1. GREAT JOB FRIDAY NIGHT FOR OUR 1ST HALFTIME PERFORMANCE! Still lots of work to do before this weekend, but I thought it was a GREAT 1st run!
#2. IT’S A SHOW WEEK! The schedule is on www.cloverbands.com under NEWS: Announcements/Schedules. We have a Friday night minicamp from 6-10 and will be rehearsing Saturday morning and our performance time is 9:15pm. We plan to be in FULL UNIFORM! We will need parent bus chaperones, parents to help with water and to push pit equipment. CLICK BELOW TO SIGN-UP! https://www.charmsoffice.com/charms/volunteerR.asp?s=clohsb&v=4267301 #3. YORK CO. ATTRACTIONS BOOKS have been issued out to students. Books cost $20 and student make $7 per book sold. We are asking all students to sell 5 books which will help the Clover Band Boosters and help their student ledger! #4. Please find attached order form for Band Jackets and Band Hoodies. Both forms need to be turned in with $$ to order by THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th! #5. THURSDAY IS CLOVER BAND NIGHT @ MOE’S! HOPE YOU WILL MAKE PLANS TO GO! #6. We have been making progress on our “Fill the Stand” drive for the BoA Stadium Concession stand, but still need 191 spots filled for the next 8 events. Our next BoA Stadium event is October 7th! #7. The next band fee payment is DUE NOW! There are many students who are not current on their band fees. We cannot operate the band program without funds. At this point all students should have paid at least $400 of their band fees. #8. Please be reminded that NO practice/performance is considered optional. Comments are closed.
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June 2022
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