WHAT A WEEK! From hours of practices, the Cougar Burn, Rival FB Game, 2 days of BBQ, 2 performances on Saturday & Panthers game on Sunday the Clover Band was on FULL BLAST for the past week! A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone, students, parents & volunteers who helped do so much this past week! Great job everyone! We had 3 successful performances of REDEMPTION this past weekend and while the results weren’t quite what we’d hoped for we received some great feedback and that coupled with finishing the show this week should help us show some MAJOR improvement this coming Saturday! THANK YOU to everyone who is/have/will help with props, uniforms, transport etc to help get this show on (and off) the field each week!! Please find attached announcements for the week along with the GAFFNEY SCHEDULE Items of Note: We will be taking a pep band to Nation Ford this Friday night. Sign-ups are in the band room. Depart @5pm, return by 11pm Click here to sign-up: NATION FORD PEP BAND CHAPERONES This Saturday the Pride of Clover will be traveling to Gaffney HS for the Reservation Tournament of Bands. Details are attached! Click here to sign-up: GAFFNEY COMPETITION CHAPERONES We did a nice job of getting band fees in last week to try to “catch-up” but we’re still over $17,000 behind where we should be. We will be making a decision about the WCU overnight trip this week. We still have many who have not brought their 1 case (24) of soda and water or other donation items. This will help us provide drinks during the season when needed. Please try to get that in this week! We have Thursday night Panther Game @ BoA Stadium Thursday, October 12th and need everyone to start signing up. This game falls the week before our BOA competition so we are going to have to alter our practice schedule so that we have workers available. Details will be out later this week. Click here to sign-up: BoA Stadium – Thursday, October 12th All show music pass-offs should now be completed. Much of the 1st 9-weeks grade will come from music pass-offs, so it is VERY important that students complete these assignments. Thank you! ![]()
Good morning,
2 days ago I had a very candid conversation with the students about band fees and I wanted to make sure I took a moment to share the same information with you. WE NEED YOUR BAND FEES ASAP! The bulk of the funding that the Clover Band program receives comes from the payment of fees. Approximately 70% of our budget comes from the band fee Based on the monthly payment plan we are currently $27,000 behind in band fee payments. This does not include any other items... just Fall 2017 band fees through the September 15th payment date. Our current checking account balance is $13,500 and in the next 2 months we will need to pay approximately $35,000 in bills. WE NEED YOUR BAND FEES ASAP! I told the students the other day that if we didn't see a pretty decent "catch-up" of fees over the next week that we were going to most likely cancel the WCU overnight and plan to drive back. We may also need to look at canceling our overnight to Winston Salem which would necessitate at 4am call-time to get to Winston Salem in time to warm-up. Please remember that we had to absorb a $25,000 budget cut this year that we didn't know about until late July. We're having to spend money to make the show happen from booster funds vs school funds and that is having a very negative effect on our cash flow position. It is understood that some fee $$ is being paid via fundraising (Panthers, BBQ, etc.) and we anticipate FINALLY getting our BoA stadium checks in soon, but that would not put a serious dent into the $27k that it currently past due. We need fee payments to be turned in. WHAT CAN YOU DO? -Pay something, anything on your past due band fee balance. $25, $50, $100... anything will help our situation and will help "right the ship". -Pay your fees with a credit card. (I've attached the information to do that via CHARMS) That would be a great way to catch up quickly! We are having a GREAT start to our competitive season and the students are working so hard. It would be a shame to have to make drastic cuts in our plans this late in the game, but if we don't have the resources then we won't have a choice. WE NEED YOUR BAND FEES ASAP! Good afternoon! What a GREAT opening performance for the Clover Band! We have a lot to continue to work on, but received a lot of great comments and input at the Exhibition this past weekend. Thanks to everyone who worked to help get us feed, watered and on & off the field! Now it's time to CRANK IT UP ANOTHER NOTCH! We will be in competition this weekend at the Olde English Festival of Bands and are going to need even more help to get on & off the field from this point forward as we hope to add more props & equipment to our show. Can you help? OLDE ENGLISH HELP SIGN-UP In addition to our first competition this weekend we are also holding our annual FALL BBQ at the First United Methodist Church. All BBQ tickets & pre-orders need to be turned in TOMORROW. We are also VERY SHORT of help for this weekend. We need people for all shifts, but particularly Friday morning to help pull the BBQ and Lunch time. Can you help? FALL BBQ SIGN-UP (FRIDAY) FALL BBQ SIGN-UP(SATURDAY) WE CANNOT DO THIS WITHOUT PARENT HELP. NO STUDENTS WILL BE AVAILABLE TO HELP WITH THIS AT ALL. NEXT... We're going to need help with getting the band on & off the field on Friday night at the FB game vs YORK! We're planning to do the entire show at either halftime or post game but will need help. Can you help? YORK FB GAME HELP SIGN-UP Finally, we are currently 9 adults & 3 students short for the Sunday Panther's Game vs the Saints. This will be our last Panthers event for a couple of weeks, but we need to make sure we can staff the stand fully so that we're not charged and lose $$. Can you help? PANTHER VS SAINTS SUNDAY 9/24 I've attached announcements and the schedule for this Saturday to this e-mail, so be sure to check your attachments. It will also be posted on the website, so check www.cloverbands.com under NEWS! The students have really stepped up their commitment this year and it is starting to show on the the field. Let's make sure that the student's commitment is matched by our parent commitment to supporting them! ![]()
Good morning, Please find attached reminders for this week as well as the schedule for Saturday @ Nation Ford. OF NOTE -Due to the weather issues we have switched Tuesday/Thursday rehearsals for this week. We will plan to rehearse until 6pm tonight and 6-9 on Thursday. -The Booster Club meeting scheduled for tonight will be THURSDAY night @ 7pm. This is a VERY IMPORTANT MEETING as we will be discussing the upcoming Fish Fry and need parent input on this fundraiser. We will also have our remaining stock of Show Shirts on sale. We have limited sizes and will not be ordering more so if you didn’t get one and would like one, please at the meeting! (We will not sell any before the meeting!) -We are in need of adult/parent helpers this weekend for several different things. We cannot run our program without the help of our parents. We have the same 20% volunteering for everything. It would be nice to add some new faces to the group and would certainly help our band program. Can you help? Friday Mini Camp Dinner Nation Ford Exhibition Panther Game (still 7 adults short!) -Our Annual Fall BBQ is NEXT WEEKEND and we need help. We need help on Thursday night prepping, Friday morning pulling & prepping BBQ, Friday with Deliveries & Friday & Saturday with getting plates ready. We have many shifts available that we can use parents. Due to school and our competition on Saturday students will not be able to work this event. Can you work (1) shift and help our band? THURSDAY/FRIDAY BBQ HELP SATURDAY BBQ HELP -Is your student current on their band fees? We have many bills coming due in the next several weeks that need to be paid and we rely on band fees to help pay these bills. Please make sure you are update on your payments. ![]()
Please find attached reminders/announcements for this week. OF NOTE:
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June 2022
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