#1. Monday, September 30th, will start with full winds (brass & woodwinds) rehearsal from 3:45 – 5:30 for the remainder of the season.
#2. Our Auto Bell Car Wash Fundraiser wraps up this week!! Please turn in your Autobell Gift Card orders on Tuesday Night at rehearsal! #3. The deadline to join the CHS Band trip to Hawaii is THIS Friday, October 4th! Don’t miss out on this “Trip of a Lifetime!” #4. We will have our 1st FULL SHOW performance at the football game this Friday night! Call time will be 6:15 to allow additional time to change into uniforms. Please make sure you are ready for Friday night! #5. We will be competing this Saturday at the Jaguar Classic @ Forestview HS in Gastonia. The schedule for the day can be found @ www.cloverbands.com. I hope the Clover Band Family will once again come out and support the band in the stands @ Forestview! #6. There are many students who are not current on their band fees. At this point all students should have paid at least $400 of their band fees. The next band fee payment is October 15th. #7. Please be reminded that NO practice/performance is considered optional and attendance is part of the band grade. Comments are closed.
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June 2022
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