Grading Expectations
Basis of how we grade:
Every nine weeks grade will contain a minimum of three major grades such as tests, research papers, projects, and major reports. Equitable grading practice is required within subjects.
Every nine weeks grade will contain a minimum of nine minor grades (quizzes, vocabulary, terms, homework, etc.) Equitable grading practice is required within subjects.
Adhere to the school percentages: Major grades constitute 60% and minor grades constitute 40%. In quarter classes major grades constitute 50%, and minor grades 30%.
A student who scores below 80 on a major assessment will have up to two opportunities to improve the grade for a maximum score of 80 before the end of the grading term deadline (see make-up policy).
eLearning Check-in Assignment – must be assigned each school day to include in person and e-Learning. This assignment is to be used for attendance and is not a graded assignment. Students must complete on the day assigned or the student is marked absent. Teachers will be able to mark absences on the previous day.
Check-in assignments may be 1). Attendance in class 2) Attendance to a Webex, 3. Electronic response to a check-in question. The check-in is not a right or wrong answer.
Percussion Check-in assignments are located in a Canvas Module entitled "Weekly Attendance A/B Day"
You will open the Google Form, and answer the question twice per week on your day not in school. Your response will be time-stamped for your daily attendance.
Example: On Tuesday – Mr. Hall will check all Monday Check-in assignments; mark attendance “A” absent for Monday, for any student who did not meet one of the 3 criteria mentioned above.
PowerSchool Teacher grading percentages
Year-long Courses:
Q1 = 40% Q2 = 40% Exam = 20 % to arrive at the Semester 1 average
Q3 = 40% Q4 = 40% Exam = 20 % to arrive at the Semester 2 average
Year Average = 50% (Semester 1) + 50% (Semester 2)
Semester Courses
Q1 = 40% Q2 = 40% Exam/EOC = 20 % to arrive at the Semester 1 average
Q3 = 40% Q4 = 40% Exam/EOC = 20 % to arrive at the Semester 2 average
Nine weeks’ courses
Major=50%, Minor=30%, Final Exam - 20%
How We Administer Grades
1. All due dates for work assigned will be posted on the Canvas Calendar and in the classroom. Teachers are encouraged to provide this information to students in other forms as well, including electronic communication such as Remind.
2. All teachers will file student tests, quizzes, and projects using one of the following systems:
a) Teachers will maintain individual student files (physical or electronic file) with all major tests, quizzes, and project rubrics/grade sheets included therein.
b) At a minimum teachers will maintain all major tests and project rubrics/grade sheets in files labeled by the assessment with dates included.
3. It is required that teachers record grades in PowerTeacherPro Gradebook, using dates and a one or two word description of the assessment noted. Grade verifications will be turned in each 9 week period. See the table below for dates.
4. Teachers are responsible for the security of their grades. Students should not enter grades in the Gradebook.
5. It is required that teachers update their Gradebook weekly.
6. eLearning assignments are due on or before Midnight on Friday each week to avoid a late penalty. Check-in assignments are due by midnight each night.
How We Communicate Grades
1. Teachers will follow all board policies for communicating grades.
2. Teachers will notify parents every two and one-half week intervals, of students with a grade of “D” or “F” in addition to interim and report card notification. Phone contact or an e-mail will satisfy this requirement. Make sure you document all communications and conferences.
3. Teachers will provide feedback on all graded assignments in a timely manner and provide opportunities prior to major tests and exams for students to review graded assessments on file.
Other Important Grading Topics
1. Homework may consist of a practice assignment linked to previously taught material. Homework may also take the form of a reading assignment with accompanying written work. Written homework should be checked and feedback given to the student. Homework practices must be the same across the subject and level.
2. Students must receive numerical grades for all subjects. DO NOT leave blanks for work not completed in PowerTeacher. Enter all grades as 0’s until the work is completed by the student.
3. Teachers are responsible for recording all numerical grades in the computer. The following timetable below gives the dates for grades to be entered in the computer for each interim and nine week grading periods.
4. Incomplete grades will not be allowed on any of the nine week grading reports. If a student makes up the missing work after the nine weeks grades are entered, input the new grade to replace the zero, send a student grade report to the registrar to update historical grades.
5. When students transfer during the school year, the teacher is responsible for retrieving transfer grades from the registrar and entering them in PowerTeacher Gradebook.
6. Under no circumstances should students be allowed to grade papers, make out (type) tests, duplicate tests, or key grades in the school computer.
7. No grade greater than 100 should be entered in the computer. Extra credit may be added as a separate entry or extra points through PowerTeacher Pro option. Final grades should not be greater than 100.
8. Interim reports are issued at the midpoint of each nine weeks, and dates are listed on the school calendar. Teachers are required to include at least two comments if a student receives a grade below 60 for each reporting period, including interim reports.
9. Updating grades and monitoring completion of assignments for Homebound students are the responsibility of the teacher of record, not the homebound teacher. The teacher of record should contact the parent and the homebound teacher weekly and update the gradebook, entering a zero or exempt for all missing grades.
10. Students are expected to make up all work missed during an absence. It is the responsibility of students to get assignments when they are absent from school. Students are encouraged to get assignments from their teachers. This information can be found on the teacher’s Canvas page or by emailing the teacher. Students who are absent from school for an extended period should request assignments from their teachers prior to the absence. Requests for assignments may also be made by calling the school office. Please give the office staff at least twenty-four (24) hours to get assignments.
11. Teachers should work in PLC of like subject and level to ensure that students receive common opportunities to demonstrate success. Major tests should contain questions of the same difficulty level and number, projects should utilize common rubrics, homework policies should be common, and the number of quizzes and graded classwork assignments should be similar among subject/level.
12. Study guides are required for all major tests
Make-Up Work:
Teachers will permit students to make-up work missed during an absence as long as the student makes appropriate arrangements with the teacher. Assignments should be made up prior to the end of the current grading period to include the interim grading period. The week prior to the end of a grading period will default to the end of the following term.
Students will not be excused from assigned work during an absence. A student who is absent from school on the day of a test or the due date for a major project, but who was present for all instruction leading up to that day and was aware of the test/due date, must take the test or submit the project on the day he/she returns to class.
Basis of how we grade:
Every nine weeks grade will contain a minimum of three major grades such as tests, research papers, projects, and major reports. Equitable grading practice is required within subjects.
Every nine weeks grade will contain a minimum of nine minor grades (quizzes, vocabulary, terms, homework, etc.) Equitable grading practice is required within subjects.
Adhere to the school percentages: Major grades constitute 60% and minor grades constitute 40%. In quarter classes major grades constitute 50%, and minor grades 30%.
A student who scores below 80 on a major assessment will have up to two opportunities to improve the grade for a maximum score of 80 before the end of the grading term deadline (see make-up policy).
- The teacher may elect to write a new test for this opportunity or use the original test.
- Teachers will accommodate school activities, illness, or unusual circumstances in managing make-up dates.
- For error analysis incorporating explanation of content, students may improve the grade for full credit.
eLearning Check-in Assignment – must be assigned each school day to include in person and e-Learning. This assignment is to be used for attendance and is not a graded assignment. Students must complete on the day assigned or the student is marked absent. Teachers will be able to mark absences on the previous day.
Check-in assignments may be 1). Attendance in class 2) Attendance to a Webex, 3. Electronic response to a check-in question. The check-in is not a right or wrong answer.
Percussion Check-in assignments are located in a Canvas Module entitled "Weekly Attendance A/B Day"
You will open the Google Form, and answer the question twice per week on your day not in school. Your response will be time-stamped for your daily attendance.
Example: On Tuesday – Mr. Hall will check all Monday Check-in assignments; mark attendance “A” absent for Monday, for any student who did not meet one of the 3 criteria mentioned above.
PowerSchool Teacher grading percentages
Year-long Courses:
Q1 = 40% Q2 = 40% Exam = 20 % to arrive at the Semester 1 average
Q3 = 40% Q4 = 40% Exam = 20 % to arrive at the Semester 2 average
Year Average = 50% (Semester 1) + 50% (Semester 2)
Semester Courses
Q1 = 40% Q2 = 40% Exam/EOC = 20 % to arrive at the Semester 1 average
Q3 = 40% Q4 = 40% Exam/EOC = 20 % to arrive at the Semester 2 average
Nine weeks’ courses
Major=50%, Minor=30%, Final Exam - 20%
How We Administer Grades
1. All due dates for work assigned will be posted on the Canvas Calendar and in the classroom. Teachers are encouraged to provide this information to students in other forms as well, including electronic communication such as Remind.
2. All teachers will file student tests, quizzes, and projects using one of the following systems:
a) Teachers will maintain individual student files (physical or electronic file) with all major tests, quizzes, and project rubrics/grade sheets included therein.
b) At a minimum teachers will maintain all major tests and project rubrics/grade sheets in files labeled by the assessment with dates included.
3. It is required that teachers record grades in PowerTeacherPro Gradebook, using dates and a one or two word description of the assessment noted. Grade verifications will be turned in each 9 week period. See the table below for dates.
4. Teachers are responsible for the security of their grades. Students should not enter grades in the Gradebook.
5. It is required that teachers update their Gradebook weekly.
6. eLearning assignments are due on or before Midnight on Friday each week to avoid a late penalty. Check-in assignments are due by midnight each night.
How We Communicate Grades
1. Teachers will follow all board policies for communicating grades.
2. Teachers will notify parents every two and one-half week intervals, of students with a grade of “D” or “F” in addition to interim and report card notification. Phone contact or an e-mail will satisfy this requirement. Make sure you document all communications and conferences.
3. Teachers will provide feedback on all graded assignments in a timely manner and provide opportunities prior to major tests and exams for students to review graded assessments on file.
Other Important Grading Topics
1. Homework may consist of a practice assignment linked to previously taught material. Homework may also take the form of a reading assignment with accompanying written work. Written homework should be checked and feedback given to the student. Homework practices must be the same across the subject and level.
2. Students must receive numerical grades for all subjects. DO NOT leave blanks for work not completed in PowerTeacher. Enter all grades as 0’s until the work is completed by the student.
3. Teachers are responsible for recording all numerical grades in the computer. The following timetable below gives the dates for grades to be entered in the computer for each interim and nine week grading periods.
4. Incomplete grades will not be allowed on any of the nine week grading reports. If a student makes up the missing work after the nine weeks grades are entered, input the new grade to replace the zero, send a student grade report to the registrar to update historical grades.
5. When students transfer during the school year, the teacher is responsible for retrieving transfer grades from the registrar and entering them in PowerTeacher Gradebook.
6. Under no circumstances should students be allowed to grade papers, make out (type) tests, duplicate tests, or key grades in the school computer.
7. No grade greater than 100 should be entered in the computer. Extra credit may be added as a separate entry or extra points through PowerTeacher Pro option. Final grades should not be greater than 100.
8. Interim reports are issued at the midpoint of each nine weeks, and dates are listed on the school calendar. Teachers are required to include at least two comments if a student receives a grade below 60 for each reporting period, including interim reports.
9. Updating grades and monitoring completion of assignments for Homebound students are the responsibility of the teacher of record, not the homebound teacher. The teacher of record should contact the parent and the homebound teacher weekly and update the gradebook, entering a zero or exempt for all missing grades.
10. Students are expected to make up all work missed during an absence. It is the responsibility of students to get assignments when they are absent from school. Students are encouraged to get assignments from their teachers. This information can be found on the teacher’s Canvas page or by emailing the teacher. Students who are absent from school for an extended period should request assignments from their teachers prior to the absence. Requests for assignments may also be made by calling the school office. Please give the office staff at least twenty-four (24) hours to get assignments.
11. Teachers should work in PLC of like subject and level to ensure that students receive common opportunities to demonstrate success. Major tests should contain questions of the same difficulty level and number, projects should utilize common rubrics, homework policies should be common, and the number of quizzes and graded classwork assignments should be similar among subject/level.
12. Study guides are required for all major tests
Make-Up Work:
Teachers will permit students to make-up work missed during an absence as long as the student makes appropriate arrangements with the teacher. Assignments should be made up prior to the end of the current grading period to include the interim grading period. The week prior to the end of a grading period will default to the end of the following term.
Students will not be excused from assigned work during an absence. A student who is absent from school on the day of a test or the due date for a major project, but who was present for all instruction leading up to that day and was aware of the test/due date, must take the test or submit the project on the day he/she returns to class.